星期六, 8月 16, 2008
星期三, 7月 02, 2008
太...白...癡...了, 這是我看完這影片後的反應。你呢?
Sound From Wind
你聽過風的聲音嗎? 又有沒有想過笛可以不用口來吹呢? 設計師 Joseph Kim 就想出一個用自然風來「吹」的笛。很抽象哦,看看下面的 Introduction 吧!
The Sound From Wind is hands down the most innovative if not frivolous bicycle accessory to date. What you get are a pair( of flutes that attach to either sides of the handle bar. As you ride you bike, air rushes thru chambers producing sounds similar to an ocarina. You manipulate those sounds by pressing keys on both flutes and if you want a fuller, richer sound - ride faster!
This is brilliant for two reasons. One, I’ve always loved the sound of a flute or ocarina. Two, I’ve always wanted to move with my own soundtrack. This somewhat brings me closer to my dreams of living out my musical fantasies. And while I’m at it, might as well add beads to the spokes, neon blinkers front and rear, and a bell to complete the fully pimped out look.
From Yanko Design